FAQ – Safari in the Mara Triangle

Wildlife Viewing

Mara Conservancy strongly encourages responsible tourism, which protects visitors as well as the wildlife of the Mara Triangle. By following guidelines that promote appropriate behavior while on safari, guides and visitors will be guaranteed a superior safari experience.

Making any kind of loud noises (shouting, clapping, cheering), standing on top of your car roof, getting out of your vehicle, driving up to animals closer than 25 meters, chasing/following animals, and fast-driving near animals can be classified as animal harassment.  These actions may also endanger visitors.
No. It is dangerous for visitors and animals.
When vehicles or humans interrupt normal animal behavior, animals may stop activities such as hunting, mating and nursing, which can have detrimental effects. Cheetahs are especially vulnerable to such interference.
Keep a good distance from elephants and buffalo to avoid potential confrontation that could result in injury to animals and visitors.

Wildebeest River Crossing

The annual wildebeest migration, the movement of over a million animals between the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya and the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, is one of the greatest spectacles of nature.  In the Mara Triangle, the wildebeest must cross the crocodile-infested waters of the Mara River and the event draws tourists from around the world.

You must remain inside the vehicle, stay silent, and keep your distance from the crossing point so as not to interrupt or block the moving wildebeest.
No. For your safety and for that of the animals, you are only allowed to alight your vehicle in the park at designated points.
Wildebeest are skittish and, if stressed, they may end up crossing the river in an unfavorable location. We have had crossings when wildebeest have perished in the hundreds as result of being pushed by vehicles into crossing in unsuitable locations, usually where the riverbank is too steep for them to climb out so they trample each other and drown.

Reporting Illegal Activities and Inappropriate Behaviour

If you have witnessed questionable behaviour by other tourists, please try to take photographic evidence, and note the time, tour operator and vehicle license plate.  Please inform Mara Conservancy’s rangers at the Gates or call Mara Conservancy’s Iseiya Headquarters: 0722-740338 (24HR) and 0729-120348 (8AM-5PM)
